Эй иймон келтирганлар! Ўзингизни ва аҳли аёлингизни ёқилғиси одамлару тошдан бўлган ўтдан сақланг. Унинг тепасида қўпол, дарғазаб фаришталар бўлиб, улар Аллоҳнинг амрига исён қилмаслар ва нимага буюрилсалар, шуни қилурлар.

Surat At-Taĥrīm

среда, 6 ноября 2013 г.

Nabi (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam)

Nabi Saw
Holy Prophet Mohammad (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam)
Brief Biography of the Holy Prophet
(Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam)
By Faqeer Mohammad Shafiq
And We (Allah) have not sent you (Muhammad) except a Blessing for all the world
(for all the times)." (Al-Quraan - XXI: 107)
And We (Allah) have sent you (Muhammad) as a messenger for the entire mankind
(for all the times). (Al-Quraan - IV: 79)
Muhammad is not at all a father to any one male among you hut he is the (last) Messenger
of Allah and is the finality of Prophethood." (Al-Quraan - XXXIII: 40)
Surely for you the life pattern of the Holy Prophet is the best modality to follow. (
Al-Quraan - XXXIII: 21)
No Muslim male or female has any liberty (unchecked) to go by their own will when
Allah and His messenger command them to do certain acts. Whosoever does not accept the
command of Allah and His
Messenger that one adopts a wrong way. (Al-Quraan - XXXIII: 36)
Whatever the Prophet prescribes get that in action. From whatever he prohibits
you desist from the same. (Al-Quraan - LIX: 7)

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